Fall 2022 Harvard Map Collection


Photograph of the Map Collection with picture of a globe and big tables

Student project map showing Indian restaurants in London

Photograph of a collections item

Screenshot from Harvard online library catalog Record from Harvard Map Collection card catalog .


Screen recording showing the tutorial for using Harvard Digital Collections in AllMaps Tutorial for how to use Harvard Libraries digital collections items in Allmaps

Screenshot of Storiiies homepage

Screen capture of Belle helping a researcher figure out how to get data in different formats on a Zoom call (with Atlascope maps in the background) Working with 19th century map layers of Boston .

Screenshot of table of data showing notable locations in Boston’s Black history


Screenshot of the ancestral characteristics of modern populations dataset Ancestral characteristics of Modern Populations dataset.

Map showing language groups in Liberia and how they don’t exactly match up with electoral districts Map by Leo Saenger, applied mathematics.


Screen recording panning through the Library of Missing Datasets art installation, showing filing cabinets of datasets that do not exist. The Library of Missing Datasets by Mimi Ọnụọha.

Screenshot from Harvard Geospatial Library Global volcanoes dataset in the Harvard Geospatial Library (HGL).

Screenshot of the Github page containing all of the geodata records for the Harvard Geospatial Library

Screen recording of a Mapbox GL JS app showing the earth in space panning around the globe