Spring 2023 Harvard Map Collection

Trying to understand things encodes them sometimes

Animated GIF of a map in the digital collections categorizing people as “poor, semi-vicious”

Descriptive map of London poverty, 1889 in the Harvard Map Collection.

New technologies and ethical grey space

Screenshot from Ash Center on Smart Cities and trust building

Data-Smart City Solutions from Harvard Kennedy Schools' Ash Center.

Being up front in your maps/data about your motivations

Project walking through data and explaining motivations

Spaces of Avoidance project by Alie Kilts.

Letting people in to allow critique

Screen recording of LandgrabU scrollytelling interactive

Land-Grab Univerisities interactive digital project.

Screen recording exploring redlining maps on Mapping Inequality website

Mapping Inequality project via the University of Richmond's Digital Scholarship Lab.

Harvard Map Collection workshops

Screencapture of GIS Research Strategies workshop listing in library events calendar

Spring 2023 workshop offerings. Registration via the Harvard Libraries Events calendar.

What gets collected

White Collar Crime Risk Zones map

White Collar Crime Risk Zones project.

Library of missing datasets art installation

Library of Missing Datasets project by MIMI ỌNỤỌHA

Screenshot of Harvard Geospatial Library

Volcanoes of the World (2003) dataset in the Harvard Geospatial Library (HGL).

Screen recording of Harvard Libraries GIS tutorials

Tutorials on how to do GIS stuff from Harvard Libraries.

Screenshot of confusing provenance in ArcGIS Online Living Atlas

Map of South America showing illegal mining activity

Mapping project by student Luisa Shido, created in QGIS.

Next steps

  • Get help with maps or GIS datasets by emailing maps@harvard.edu .
  • Catch up with Belle belle_lipton@harvard.edu .
  • Sign up for workshops using the library calendar.
  • Come to GIS office hours to hang out and make maps Tuesdays 10-noon.