Spring 2023 Harvard Map Collection

Slide with definitions of GIS

John Snow cholera map

John Snow cholera map with GIS heat map on top

GIF of the vision zero data page on City of Boston’s data portal Analyze Boston , Boston’s open data portal.

Screenshot of the vision zero data as a table Vision Zero dataset, open as a table.

Screenshot of vision zero data as crowded points Bike crash data displayed visually as individual points in GIS software.

Map of bike crashes shows patterns better

Screen recording of New York Public Library app OldNYC

OldNYC: Mapping Historic Photographs at the NYPL.

Picture of Belle’s old house, on 4 Folsom Ave Belle’s house in college.

Picture of the City of Boston reading room City of Boston Archives Reading Room.

Picture of a real estate atlas open, it is a large book 19th century insurance atlas, open to a plate of downtown Boston.

Map made by student assistants who went on to use GIS and data processing in job GIS heatmap of density of restaurants in Boston.

Screen recording exploring redlining maps on Mapping Inequality website

Mapping Inequality project via the University of Richmond's Digital Scholarship Lab.

Library events calendar showing GIS workshops

Map of South America showing illegal mining activity

Mapping project by student Luisa Shido, created in QGIS.

Next Steps

  • Email maps@harvard.edu
  • Workshop signups on the library calendar
  • GIS Office hours Tuesdays, 10-noon