GIS Outreach With the Harvard Map Collection

Eight-sheet map of Venice from the 1700s

Chart showing vector data which is points, lines and polygons..

Screenshot of QGIS interface with point dataset of trees loaded in and appearing on the map GIS vector dataset showing historic old growth trees in Washington State loaded into QGIS, a map making software.

Screenshot of QGIS interface showing the back end of the dataset, a table with rows and columns about each tree Historic old growth trees in Washington State dataset in QGIS table view.

Screenshot from Harvard Geospatial Library

Harvard Geospatial Library (HGL)

Screen recording of an old map compared to it’s modern geography. Georeferenced map of Poland from 1919.

Russian Empire Playing Cards

Russian Atlas, consisting of forty-four maps..., 1792.

Screenshot of historic Russia GIS datasets loaded into QGIS Example historical GIS data derived from library archives.

Russian Empire Playing Cards Translations codebooks in Github

Playing card geodata translations codebook.
Drawings and sketches by W.D. Peck, 1793-1807, Harvard University Archives.

Office of scholarly communication landing page for interviews Office of Scholarly Communications blog about open access .

GIS Outreach blog, student project examples, and tutorials.

Blog benefits

  • Example student projects, such as Paige Lee’s
  • Make partnerships visible, for instance collaborations with other librarians

Data documention from Github Helping model project documentation in the Harvard Kennedy School Masters of Public Policy students.

Screenshot of Data Security Levels 1-3 Examples of Harvard Data Security Levels .

Screenshot of public health related R instruction Spatial methods for public health data, project data via .

Sketched diagram of a map by a student Map sketch by HKS Public Policy student Justine Baillairt.

Map of flight patterns in US Scoping map design for publication, based on students’ style goals - flight maps .

Homepage of the Black Teacher Archive Homepage of the Black Teacher Archive .

Screenshot of first BTA map in ArcGIS Exploration resulting from a 45 minute consultation.
