Course Materials

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All you will need for this workshop are two free accounts. (1) , our mapping visualization site, and (2) , the site we use to access census data. Instructions for registering are included in the workshop steps.

What are we mapping?
Poverty rate mapping by census tract
Percent non-white mapping by census tract
Uploading census data to Felt
Working with spreadsheet data
Buffers and spatial analysis
Historical maps
Exporting and saving project data


You can download course data from the Harvard Map Collection Open Science Framework site for Geospatial Research, Teaching and Learning.


This workshop is inspired by a class project by Libby Wu ‘24. During Fall 2023, the Harvard Map Collection partnered with Tara Menon’s English course, City Fictions. Libby contributed her project data to help make GIS methods more accessible.

Post-workshop survey

Help us make this course better for future students by filling out the workshop survey .